The Deucecast Crew, including Mikey, Dave, and #TwitterlessDrEarl love movies and the actresses in them, and felt it was high time to pay tribute to those who have since departed this mortal coil... especially since we gave the love to the Actors a few weeks ago (Ep 496), its time to do the same for the fairer gender.
Joining the show is the Spawn of Scotty Ryfun, the pride of Kennesaw, Lil G Garrison, as #TwitterlessDrEarl and Mikey give thoughts on The Last Duel, while Lil G and Dave look at Halloween Kills.
A round of Rotten Tomatoes ensues, featuring the film of one up and coming actor that you may not even know the name of -- but we know you've seen him.
Then, proper nods to the dead and buried, included legendary names like Hepburn and Gilda and Cloris and Ingrid and more. Finally, a late addition of Birthday Movies for October!
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