Back again with a handful of movies to talk about, discuss, disseminate, propagate, recommend and dis, Mikey and Dave are faced with yet another Pinkyless week.
No matter... Friend of the Show Hurricane Rhett is back in studio, and the guys welcome back on the line Remodeling Clay Podcast host and creator Clay Shaver. Also, joining the discussion is the bae, the boo, the love of Producer Shawn's Life, Lillian... or, #LadyPinky as she comes to be known on the show.
First, a great round of The Ryan Phillippe Game, in which one of the guys flames out completely on Denzel Washington movies... Embarrassingly so. And can you name the movies from Tom Hanks? Reese Witherspoon? Or even Mark Wahlberg?
Among other discussions... The importance of seeing earlier Marvel movies to watch the newer Marvel movies... the advent of DAVE'Splosion... d$'s love of Tina Fey... 28 Days vs 28 Days Later... The argument for Kristin Stewart... The possible true story of The Martian... Mikey's choice - Dan vs Fassbender vs Oscar... The great works of Mickey Rourke..
And then, onto The ReFlicktions... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot... A.C.O.D.... The Nice Guys... Captain America: Civil War... American Ultra... Hello, My Name is Doris... The Voices... High Rise... Deadpool... The Martian... part of The Patriot... The Intern... The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassas... Nintendo Quest (doc)... Fed Up (doc)... Prescription Thugs (doc)... Into the Abyss (doc)... Break Point... Kindergarten Cop 2... Confirmation... MacBeth... All the Way... Serving Sara... Ashby... The Do Over... The Lobster... I Am Road Comic (doc)... Minions... TMNT: Out of the Shadows... 1/2 of Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping... X-Men Apocalpyse... Just Friends...
DAVESPLOSION -- Message from Space... Super Fast... Transmorphers... Men of War... The Road Killers... Gotcha!