Welcome to Episode 500... the episode speaks for itself. Its been a long road, a long ride, and we are happy and thankful to be here at FIVE HUNDRED...
We have a plethora, a cornucopia, dare I say, a tundra of guests, special guests and super stars on our show... head to YouTube to watch the show in it's entirety, or check out the first part this week (and part 2 next week)... the show is 99.7% unedited (just the glitches and such)...
Things we've discussed... Movies we should have seen... Stan Daniel... Eastwood's final movies... Dirty Dancing and #TwitterlessDrEarl... Skywalking Thru Neverland... High School Movies... Richard's movie poster moment... Teen Wolf... Riding on top of a moving van... 80s monkey movies... forgotten films... the Poison Ivy TV movie... Don Bluth... Beethoven... Movies you cannot stop watching... Burgess' big beer arrival... Snow movies... hockey updates... Seagal shout out... Nic Cage movies... peeing fire... Amber Heard pretentiousness... Shang Chi reviews... Biker Boyz... Moviepass Funded films... Heist movies... A Fish Called Wanda... Watching Endgame for the first time... best audience experiences... Rhett, saying a lot of things...
Find our guests:
Stan Daniel & Kingdom Casts
A Good Day for a Podcast with Roth from Wyoming
Skywalking thru Neverland @SkywalkingPod on social media, and SkywalkingThruNeverland.com with Rich & Sarah
Captain's Logs & Lightsabers with Jonathan HileJeremy Burgess - Don't Die film
Jennifer Kaufman's Delightful Life
Jedi Shua - Enjoy Stuff, a TechnoRetro Podcast
Nick Mielke's Podcast of the Whills
Joe Tavano of Retrozap
Thanks to Nick... Aussie Nate... Melissa... Stan... Rich... Sarah... Charley... Roth from Wyoming.. Matt the Former Co-Host... Jonathan... Burgess... Kaufman... Jacob... Shua.. Hurricane Rhett... Retro Joe... Steph, not d$'s wife but Mikey's sister...