Merry Christmas!! Its December again, and its time for Mikey and d$ to convene and discuss all the news that's fit to pod...
On this episode of The Deucecast: A Podcast Carol, we dive right in with our Drink O'the Week,
Bubble Up
! Like
Merle Haggard
says, "We'll all be drinking our free Bubble Up and eating that rainbow stew..."
Mikey talks about his concert going experiences this week, including
The Great Book of John
Bunny Austin
... and some other bands that no one cares about... and the wretch continues with his Crappy Christmas Music Crap segment, with
Matthew Mayfield
d$ discusses the busy work week and his kid's 1st birthday party... the game this past week... and the guys dish on random topics like usual...
A new Christmas movie game is introduced and sort of played, sort of stumbled through... and The Big Three gives Favorite Anti-Christmas films, including
Die Hard
The Ref
and more...
Also, a great discussion on the downfall of Blockbuster Video... and then the Star Wars sequels trilogy upcoming... Corey Feldman's Star Wars hopes... the new Test Track at Epcot... Jamie Foxx gets electrified in The Amazing Spiderman 2... Under the Dome hits the TV... and Mikey discusses "
Steel Magnolias
" at length, plus the latest Nic Cage debacle on film known as
Oh, and everyone loves The Demi Lovato Tweet of the Week!
Next Week: The Deucecast Episode LXXX: Pod Come Home For Christmas, we give you The Big Five Favorite Christmas Tunes... Mikey has more holiday music... and d$ dishes out a jingly jangly Buried Treasure!