Mike, Pinky & Dave join forces with Witt Stillman Fan, Terrence Malick Apologist and Film Historian Dr. Earl, who joins us live from the Pretentious Corner. And later on in the show, we call upon Friend of the Show Remodeling Clay Shaver to talk a little Be Kind // Rewind.
Tom Hanks' Oscar chances this year... Movies on Starz For One Percenters... the strange new film from Terrence Malick... What films would you find in the subconscious of Andy from Parks & Rec... Teddy KGB's other possible roles... Mikey + Burgess = Moonlighting... the khaki-ness of the podcast cast...
And then, we get to the third edition of MikeTober, where Mikey goes over the horror films that were assigned to him this year... movies include An American Werewolf in London (assigned by Dave)... Rosemary's Baby (assigned by Friend of the Show Jeremy Burgess)... Hitcher (assigned by Clay Shaver)... A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night (assigned by Dr Earl)... and The Thing (assigned by Pinky)...

Finally, a quick session of Be Kind // Rewind with Remodeling Clay discussing the film Risky Business... is it enjoyable now? And more importantly, does it hold up to today's viewing?
Movies discussed this episode:
Nosferatu (1922)... Shadow of the Vampire (2000)... Sully (2016)... I Am Wrath (2016)... Mojave (2015)... Pete's Dragon (2016)... It Happened One Night (1934)... Elstree 1976 (doc-2015)... Coherence (2013)... Terrence Malick's Night of Cups (2016)... The Magnificent Seven (2016)... Snowden (2016)... Bottle Rocket (1996)... Saturday Night Fever (1977)... Meet the Robinsons (2007)... Deepwater Horizon (2016)... The Orphanage (2007)... The Decent (2005)... Frank Herbert's Dune (2000)... Zoolander 2 (2016)... The Blair Witch (2016)... Don't Breathe (2016)... Kill Bill Vol 1 (2003)... Who Took Johnny (doc-2014)... All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006)... The Deer Hunter (1978)... Not Since You (2009)... Amanda Knox (doc-2016)... The Haunting (1963)... Tusk (2014)... The Wicker Man (1973)... Girl on the Train (2016)... This Boy's Life (1993)... The Invitation (2015)...
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