Working through some throat issues (Mikey) and a cough (Dave), the show must go on!
Paige tells the audience about one of her favorite charities, Operation Backpack (you can find the link up shortly on The Deucecast Movie Show webpage sidebar), which gets school supplies to over 20,000 NYC children who need the help.
And Mikey questions whether Paige knows the actual boroughs of New York, despite the fact she has lived there for forever.
The group plays a little game of Musical IMDb, so play along at home to see if you can name the musicals by the cast list!
The topic tonight is 1990s Romantic Comedies... Dave loves You've Got Mail... Paige loves Dave (no kidding!)... Earl loves As Good as It Gets... Mikey loves Tin Cup... and enjoy Paige Davis walking a tightrope of politics (which Mikey squirmed but Earl and Dave giggled)... get a shout out to Paige's husband Patrick Page (yes, that makes Paige Page... hence the Davis)... and a few people employ the Jennifer Kaufman Rule by insert films that don't actually fit the topic... a Broadway show timeline for Paige Davis... there is yearning for Tom & Meg reunion... why Paige hated Sleepless in Seattle... and the locale of You've Got Mail
Finally, Pinky shows up at the end for America's Favorite Podcast Segment Starring Pinky with Musical Interludes with OMD in the Background... find out if Pinky dug Days of Thunder, and then check out the latest assignment too.
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