We dish on your odds of winning that Powerball Lottery.. drink some Jic Jac Blue Raspberry
The 90s music features such tripe as AIR
More topics of conversation include Disney's new Jack Sparrow attraction... there are Star Wars and rumors and Star Wars yet to come... Waterworld's remake (?!)... the casting on Days of Future Past... Joseph Gordon Levitt's new role, maybe... Girl Meets World
You know those movies that you see when you are flipping channels, and no matter where they are in the movie you'll stop and watch it from that point until the end? That's our Big Three! Movies we watch when we see them on tv... movies with Seagal
And lest we forget... Demi Lovato's inspiring Tweet of the Week...
Next week... Mikey starts his Christmas Music Exodus... and our Big Three Anti-Christmas Films! That's on The Deucecast Episode LXXIX: A Podcast Carol